The Institute of Atmospheric Physics at the German Aerospace Centre conducts research into the physics and chemistry of the global atmosphere from the ground up to 120 kilometres altitude.
What to expect
The department´s research focuses on thunderstorms, wake vortices, noise, wind energy, gravity waves and turbulence. It is aiming at the understanding and prediction of the relevant dynamical processes in the atmospheric boundary layer and in the upper atmospere on one hand.
Air traffic contributes approx. 3 to 4% to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. Contrails potentially contribute the largest fraction to the radiation effect. Aviation's ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2050 can only be achieved by reducing emissions and contrails. Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are a promising option for future propulsion systems.
The aim of the project is to investigate the influence of different fuel cell systems on the formation of contrails. To this end, we are using a particle-based model that microphysically simulates the formation of ice crystals in the first few seconds behind the engine. Due to the different properties of the exhaust gas in fuel cells compared to conventional kerosene engines (e.g. lack of soot, more water vapor), the influence of new physical processes is to be analyzed and validated in the model.
There are various opportunities to become active in our group as part of your final thesis, e.g:
- Validation of newly implemented physical processes with measurement data
- Investigation of the influence of input data on simulation results
- Optimization of the currently used parameterization with the help of neural networks
Your tasks
- Familiarization with in-house code and theory (topic-dependent)
- Execution of the code for pre-defined scenarios (topic-dependent)
- Analyzing and interpreting the simulation results (preferably Python)
- Scientific documentation and preparation of the results
Your profile
- Ongoing scientific studies in natural sciences, engineering, computer sciences or other study programs relevant to the job
- Good knowledge of programming, preferably Python and/or Fortran
- Good written and spoken English skills
- Knowledge of microphysics and/or fluid dynamics desirable
- Knowledge of computer science and/or numerics desirable
Depending on qualifications and assignment of tasks, remuneration will be up to pay grade: Bachelor's thesis EG03 TVöD Bund or Master's thesis EG05 TVöD Bund.
We look forward to getting to know you!
If you have any questions about this position (Vacancy-ID 638) please contact:
Norman Wildmann
Tel.: +49 8153 28 1578